FOAB Information

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Listen, Do You Want To Know A Secret

A secret is any information that a person intended to conceal from one or more individuals and a psychology study has discovered that on average each and every one of us holds 13 of them.
A very honest 1000 participants were asked to describe a secret they were keeping and these were placed into 34 broad categories with the top secrets falling into harming another person, drug use, bad habits, theft, illegal activity, self-harming, abortion, trauma, lying and violate a persons trust.
The most common secret was lying and the scientists broke them down into two further categories, self serving lies and the kind hearted sort.
They found that kind hearted lies are most likely to be exchanged between women such as 'You look great!' and 'That dress really suits you' while self serving lies, to make themselves look better or avoid embarrassment, are mostly told between men although there were anywhere from twice to eight times as many self-serving lies than kind-hearted lies from both sexes.
The next two most common secrets involved violating a persons trust (47%) and theft (33%) although the survey did reveal that all three reduce as we get older which is good so i will never have to reveal about that Office Christmas Party in 1989 where we pretty much hit all of the above in one afternoon. 

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