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Thursday 29 August 2019

Special Guest Blogger: John Lennon

It is often said that all the best musicians do their best work while high and i was off my tits for most of the 60s and 70s so how great must i have been! Bigger than Jesus as it turns out but me saying that didn't go down particularly well, even if we were, which we definitely was, even through our transition from cool dudes to drugged up hippies singing about submarines.
Drugs do affect you memory and my memories are hazy at best but i do remember George and Paul and there was some other guy who used to hang around us but i think he was just the bloke who went out and got our coffee.
Strangely enough my introduction to hard drugs came from a dentist who gave me LSD at a party and i started seeing and hearing weird things like angels and devils and we went to a club and Bob Dylan was playing and i said to Paul 'Wow, this guy has a great voice' so it shows just how off my face i must have been.   
Drugs though do affect your memory but i do remember George and Paul and some other guy who used to hang around us, he used to go and get our coffee i think.
There was always competition between Paul and I over who was the real song writing talent but my 'Woman' and 'Imagine' against his 'Mull of Kintyre' and 'The Frog Chorus' soon stopped that ridiculousness.
Fate decreed that Cliff Richard would live but i would be shot dead therefore removing any question about if there is a God but i don't recall much about that day, all those drugs i guess, some guy came up and asked for my autograph and then came back hours later and shot me which is a bit ungrateful, my handwriting wasn't that bad.
When i got to heaven i thought Jesus may be a bit miffed about my little comment about us being bigger than him but he turned out to be a big fan, even asking for my autograph but i said 'I’m not falling for that one again...'
I did a lot in my shortened life and left some great music and even made nerdy round glasses fashionable, at least until JK Rowling came along now everybody just calls then Harry Potter glasses.

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