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Monday 26 August 2019

Special Guest Blogger: Karl Marx

I am most famous for writing the books Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto which led to Communism becoming confusingly known as Marxism in my honour but i do wonder if those who adopted my reasoning, actually read the books.
How anyone can take: 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs' as meaning build a 40ft high wall with razor wire and armed guards in towers is beyond me but somehow they did and me and my little book got the blame for it.
To start with the Communist Manifesto was written as a kids story (Orwell would copy this later for Animal Farm) and i proudly showed it to Engles who threw it in the fire and told me to start again and for heavens sake he shouted, think of a new title because calling it 'Bertie Bunny Gives Away All His Carrots' doesn't scream of revolution.
As Communism is about caring and sharing and i had a massive white beard, i have been mistaken for Santa Claus a few times and as he is all about distributing things to people, especially the capitalist pig dogs with all the money, they have been feeding Communism to their innocent, capitalist offspring all these years, in your face bourgeois scum.
As the author of one of the most influential books ever written, i am buried in Highgate Cemetery in Marx Corner with other famous Communists and Socialists but as the father of Communism, i am the main attraction with an impressively large 10 foot headstone and the words 'Workers of All Lands Unite' in gold lettering on the plinth.
Imagine my disappointment then when i found out that someone decided to charge £8 to go see the grave of the World's foremost anti-Capitalist.
Seriously, did nobody at all read my bloody book?

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