FOAB Information

Sunday 29 September 2019

A Bumpy Road Ahead

Imran Khan as better known to the English as a great Pakistani cricketer but after he gave up knocking English bowlers all over the place, he turned to politics and is now the countries Prime Minister and just like everyone else, has no love for Donald Trump, calling him 'ignorant and ungrateful'.
The spat was over Washington confirming it will withhold US military aid to Pakistan due to Islamabad's support for the Taliban although it may yet come out that it was in lieu of Pakistan launching an enquiry into another of his Democrat rivals.  
Imran Khan was appearing on MSNBC when he was asked what advice he had given US President Donald Trump on the Afghan war raging on Pakistan's doorstep since 2001, said: 'While USA was pouring at least $1.5 Trillion into the futile Afghanistan war, China was developing 1st world infrastructure and today New York has bumpy roads'.
Great stuff, America paid trillions to Afghanistan who then gave it to China to rebuild the things the Americans blew up while American roads deteriorated.
Trump once said that if he wanted to win that war, it would be over in literally 10 days which is about as long as his Presidency has got left as the impending impeachment gathers pace, a few more bumps in the road figuratively and literally.

1 comment:

  1. and i'm sure his emotions for trump do not impact his ability to be unbiased... china has a long way to go to catch the US infrastructure which is one reason they spend so much effort stealing our intellectual property.

    time will tell if china can keep growing and if the US will continue the decline Obama started...
