FOAB Information

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Answering The Call

The Fermi Paradox is the contradiction between the high probability of there being life elsewhere in the Universe and the lack of evidence for there being life elsewhere in the Universe, mostly due to us never receiving any signals from out intergalactic cousins.
My argument is that the chances of us having the same technology is remote, we could be doing the equivalent of sending emails to a world where they are communicating with smoke signals still but maybe Fermi can be kicked aside because scientists at the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiments have announced repeated signals coming to Earth from another Galaxy.
Researchers have received repeating blasts of energy, or fast radio bursts (FRB), that have been picked up on Earth by telescopes and are busy attempting to discover the source of the mysterious signals which could be as close as a Galaxy neighbouring our own Milky Way.
Being a cautious bunch, the Scientists warn that the bursts could be anything from a star falling into a black hole to pulsar as well as a message being sent through the Cosmos by aliens.
My money is on the latter but as they will speak a different language to us they could just as well be saying 'Hi, we come in peace' as 'Anyone home? Our spacecraft will come and smash your puny Planet to smithereens' so might not want to answer and let them know we are here too quick.

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