FOAB Information

Friday 6 September 2019

British Empire's Long Shadow

It is no coincidence that recently, the flash points on the Evening News have been Kashmir, Palestine and Hong Kong as all three have the hands of the British Empire all over them.
Unbelievably there are still some who defend the British Empire as a good thing which shows a woeful lack of knowledge of just what our ancestors got up to because it could justifiably hold the title of the most evil empire in History.
Britain built it's empire on murder, vast ethnic cleansing, slavery, land theft and merciless exploitation which cost countless millions their life.
Britain exported Opium to China and when Beijing tried to ban it on the basis that it was ravaging its people with addiction, London launched the first of two Opium Wars to force China to continue buying the highly addictive drug as well as taking Hong Kong as part of a surrender deal.
In India, rebels against British rule were tied to the ends of cannons and blasted to smithereens, protesters were shot or thrown into concentration camps and over 3 million died due to the brutal actions of Winston Churchill's plan of enforced starvation. On granting independence from Britain, the British carved up the nation into Hindu India, Muslim Pakistan and left Kashmir as a buffer zone between the two which has been fought over by the two sides ever since. 
Palestine is the result of the Balfour Declaration in which the British government handed half of the nation to the Jewish people for their state of Israel, calling it 'A land without a people for a people without a land' when in fact it was a land of almost 750,000 Palestinian people and Israel has been stealing the land ever since leading to a conflict that has raged for 75 years.
These are just a few of the atrocities and crimes performed in the name of the Empire and in the 1950's Britain launched Operation Legacy which was a program to destroy sensitive files which would 'show racial or religious bias' and detailed torture methods and methods to put down any protests.
The British government wanted them erased from the planet and orders demanded that 'they be reduced to ash and the ashes broken up' or 'hurled into the sea so long as they were packed in weighted crates and dumped in very deep and current-free water at maximum practicable distance from the coast'.
We can't ever know exactly what was in these documents but to go to such extreme lengths for them to be kept out of sight, they must have been atrocious but we do know the very long and monstrous shadow that the British Empire still casts today as we can see on any news programme lately.

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