FOAB Information

Thursday 19 September 2019

Everyone Has A Price

I read a great story today about how Spy Magazine ran a social experiment in 1990, sending cheques for small amounts to the worlds richest people to see who cashed them, putting to test the theory that every person has a price Creating a company called National Refund Clearinghouse, they drafted a letter explaining that the cheque was a refund for a small overcharge that had occurred in 1988 and initially sent cheques out for $1.11 to 58 well-known people and found that of the 58, 26 cashed the cheques.
The magazine then sent a follow-up letter and cheques for $0.64 to those 26 people and 13 deposited the cheques and to those 13 they sent one more cheque for $0.13 and of those 13 only two people cashed them.
One was a Saudi arms dealer named Adnan Khashoggi, and the other was Donald Trump.
As Trump is desperately trying to keep his Tax Returns secret we may be able to see why but at least we know what his price is, a measly 13 cents.

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