FOAB Information

Saturday 21 September 2019

Evidence Against Prince Compelling

If the Royals, and Prince Andrew particularly, was hoping that the Brian Epstein allegations would go away then they must be sorely disappointed because he is back on the front pages again after Virginia Roberts-Giuffre is back on TV giving interviews about his interaction with her when she was a teenager.
Labelling the Prince as 'an abuser and a participant' in the exploitation of her as a teenager, she has gone into details of how the Queens second eldest son took her to a club, gave her vodka and then had sex with her, a claim that the Palace and the Prince himself have vehemently denied.
The problem the Prince has though is that notorious photograph of him with his arm around the 17-year old Ms Roberts-Giuffre which had the 'fixer' Ghislaine Maxwell in the background and his continued association with a man after his release from prison for sex offences against minors and who committed suicide whilst being held for child sex trafficking charges.
Roberts- Giuffre said that: 'He denies that it ever happened. And he’s going to keep denying that it ever happened. But he knows the truth. And I know the truth' which is the only saving grace for eighth in line to the British throne.
That she has no proof that he did what she accuses him of is the only thing he has in his favour but by the same token, he has no proof that he never did what she accuses him of so it's a stalemate with his word against hers for now although the incriminating evidence against him is pretty convincing.


  1. if you are sharing all the facts (hard to believe), it sounds bad for him (kinda like all the accusers of Clinton), but compelling evidence is not the same as proof. imprisoning someone must require proof.

  2. Being a Prince it is very doubtful he will face any kind of prosecution but the facts are there and they don't look good for him.
