FOAB Information

Saturday 28 September 2019


When female MP, Paula Sheriff, said that she had received death threats from people who quote Johnson’s words, he replied he had: 'never heard so much humbug in my life'.
For it to be the most humbug he had ever heard in his 55 years is quite a call from the Prime Minister because it was him who said he had allowed a grant of £100,000 of taxpayers money to a close friend’s American technology company that never met the criteria for a UK grant.
He also probably never heard himself say, when accused of staging a press opportunity at a hospital by an angry parent whose child was recovering in a ward following an operation that: 'There’s no press here' in front of a crowd of press.
It could be down to a heavy cold that has bunged up his ears that he has such a problem with hearing his own words this week because as he was saying the reason for suspending parliament was nothing to do with Brexit, the top eleven judges dismissed his reason as obvious nonsense and recalled Parliament.
Paula Sheriff's should feel proud that her one speech bringing up the repeated and very real threats of violence against MP's beats the Prime Ministers repeated level of Humbug so well done to her.

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