FOAB Information

Saturday 14 September 2019

Leaving Labour For The Lib Dems

Another Conservative has defected and crossed the floor of the Commons to join the Liberal Democrats making the total of MP's who have left other parties to join them to eight, two Labour and six Conservative.
Everything about Brexit has been a debacle and as bad as the Conservatives have been, Labour have not been much better but the Liberal Democrats have been the only Party with a consistent No Brexit policy.
The Conservatives are trying to recklessly drag out of Europe regardless of the consequences while Labour's policy has been confusing and disjointed but ultimately we will still be leaving the EU albeit with a better deal than the Conservatives are willing to bargain for which leaves us Remain supporters with only one natural home, the Lib Dems. 
I am not one of those who swallow the 'we must obey what was voted for' line, that never works when the Conservative win an election and it isn't going to work now so with an election coming up sooner rather than later, there is a choice to make.
I am a natural Labour voter but put my cross beside the Liberal Democrats in the 2006 and 2010 elections due to the stink from the Afghanistan and Iraq War's stinking up the Labour Party who was still full of the Members who had voted and defended Tony Blair's lies in the conflicts and i will probably add the 2019 election to my list as times i voted Lib Dem.  
As much as i agree with much of what Jeremy Corbyn says, the most pressing subject is Brexit and the Conservatives and Labour policy is two sides of the same coin where the end result is the same but they just have different ways of achieving it.
In Jo Swinson, they have a good leader who is much more towards the left-centre than Labour but more importantly they have a Brexit policy that i 100% agree with.
Whether i just merely lend the Lib Dems my vote or stick with them for a while afterwards will depend on what happens next but i can't vote for Labour this time around because, as i am hearing more and more, i didn't leave the Labour Party , the Labour Party left me.

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