FOAB Information

Sunday 8 September 2019

Pervert MP Andrew Griffith

There are some things you can get away with if you are a Member of Parliament such as fiddling your expenses and bullying staff but now we can add sending 2000 lewd texts over the space of 21 days to members of the public.
A Conservative MP who bombarded two young women with lewd text messages and requests for nude photo's has been cleared of wrongdoing by the parliamentary standards watchdog.
Married Andrew Griffiths, Conservative MP for Burton and Uttoxeter, has been cleared of the offence by the Parliamentary Watchdog because there was: 'no evidence Andrew Griffiths sent messages while engaged in parliamentary activity'.
Griffiths then had the brass neck to say that he was: 'grateful to the commissioner for dismissing this complaint' which makes it sound as if he did nothing wrong as if sending 100 texts a day to women asking for explicit pictures of them was nothing out of the usual.
Someone should remind Mr Griffith that far from being dismissed, he was just found not guilty of sending the texts when he was at work and not cleared of being a massive sleazebag and pervert who should be thanking his lucky stars that his wife has not kicked him out and is parading around town wearing his testicles as a pair of earrings.

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