FOAB Information

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Protecting The Public Apparently

Six deaths from illicit vaping products and the American Government are banning flavoured e-liquids as they are 'deeply concerned' and they need to 'do all we can to protect the public from tobacco-related disease and death'.
40,000 deaths from legally held guns per year in America and no deep concern or wanting to protect the public from death, just thoughts, prayers and a few mad suggestions that what is needed is even more guns.
Priorities not so much in evidence then but the $30 million the NRA contributed to the Trump election campaign sure helped with that and keeping the absolutely ludicrous second amenders on side, there is an election coming up after all.


  1. you misstate the truth - - again

    there is great concern about the shooting deaths by both gun owners (want to protect themselves) and non-gun owners (want to be protected).

    the reason vaping has been attacked so quickly is due to the left and their non-stop assault on industry.

    the left gained power attacking SELECTED companies with a two-prong approach:

    1. going after companies that sold products harmful to health (tobacco bad, alcohol ok, prescription drugs ok, food additives bad, coal bad, SUVs bad, guns bad, sugar/fat ok, etc.)

    2. pushing the position that consumers are not accountable for their choices - - it is not your fault... those bad, mean companies... Remember your attacks on McDonald's for increasing obesity with hypnotizing ads... instead of blaming the lazy fat asses that shovel food down their pie holes...

    further, the left went out of their way to crush smoking by jumping on the "second hand" smoke bandwagon. they said people don't have a right to use tobacco products - - one of the few times I agree with the left since using tobacco is NOT A RIGHT.

    Owning guns is different. I know you cannot get this thru your thick skull, but I will repeat it again anyway: SELF DEFENSE IS A RIGHT (at least in America) - second amendment in the Bill of Rights which were written to keep people like you from using the law to take away rights...

    As the old saying goes, "God created humans, Colt made them equal". Without a gun, few people can effectively defend themselves against 1 person with a knife/club/chain, or 2 people, or 1 person that is bigger/stronger/faster; and, few women can defend themselves against even a teenage male, much less an adult male.

    Thank God the Founding Fathers anticipated leftists...


  2. how many murders do cops in the UK stop? a few... if any...
    how many murder scenes do they protect? thousands...

    you cannot count on the police to save you...

    American per capita murder rate per 1,000 people: less than 1
    British per capita murder rate per 1,000 people: less than 1

  3. So if i read you right, you say the White House is banning all flavoured e-liquid except tobacco flavours, because of the left?

  4. nope. i don't know why trump is doing it. i'm saying it is now expected behavior to go after all things related to tobacco and nicotine.

    further, it is accepted that you can blame the producer (company) but not the users for making bad decisions...

  5. It's the users adding THC to the e-liquid we are hearing
