FOAB Information

Saturday 7 September 2019

Safe To Carry On Vaping

After five deaths in the US from a severe respiratory illness which has been linked to vaping, British vapers are obviously concerned that the habit is not as safe as they thought.
As well as the fatalities, over 450 possible cases of vapers being hospitalised are being investigated US officials have said but Health Experts have come out to assure British vapers that they are are safe and blame the outbreak of respiratory disease in the US on lax controls and illegal fluid.
Public Health England have said that reports suggested that most cases in the US had been linked to people using illicit vaping fluid, bought on the streets or homemade, some containing cannabis products, like THC, or synthetic cannabinoids, like spice and that: 'Unlike the US, all e-cigarette products in the UK are tightly regulated for quality and safety by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency'.
The health charity Action on Smoking and Health, said that to date no serious side-effects had been reported in the UK and Prof Linda Bauld, a public health expert at Edinburgh University said that due to regulations: 'It seems highly unlikely that widely available nicotine-containing vaping products are causing these cases' and that 'All the evidence to date suggests that illicit marijuana vaping products (THC oils) are the cause'.
The advice from the experts would be then that as long as you stick to the proper e-liquids and don't start mixing in extra foolish ingredients, then you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

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