FOAB Information

Thursday 26 September 2019

Trump Dodged Russia But Ukraine Got Him

The Trump Government was never going to end quietly and we are in the very real danger of the World being a less Orange place shortly as the American President and his ridiculous family face being unceremoniously bundled out of the White House.
A CIA whistleblower has submitted a complaint that Trump abused his office to solicit assistance from a foreign country in the 2020 election and that White House officials participated in a cover-up to keep it from being made public.
It all centres around a telephone call Trump had with the new Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, in July where he allegedly pressured the Ukrainians to investigate the Biden's family's business dealings and then removed the conversation from the computer system that is typically used for such records of calls with foreign leaders.
The President allegedly suspended $400m (£323m) military aid to Ukraine in order to incentivize the country’s officials to investigate his political rival, Joe Biden, and his son, asking 'for a favour' and saying 'we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing', adding the US 'has been very, very good to Ukraine'.
According to the whistleblower, this was not the first time the Trump administration removed a presidential telephone transcript and stashed it in a secure codeworded system which doesn't look good for the man who somehow managed to dodge being brought down by his links to Russia but seems likely to be hacked down by his dealings with Ukraine.


  1. no, ukraine hasn't gotten him.

    this is 100% politics. the democrats want to change america and they have to be in charge to do it. they apparently are willing to do anything to have their way.

    both parties are harming the nation, each favoring their voters over the nation as a whole. in the process, they are undoing a lot of long standing behaviors and values.

    until the populace shifts, one way or the other, this stalemate and political war will continue to escalate.

  2. Regardless of the reasons behind it, he appears to be in a hole due to not only the Ukraine telephone call but the subsequent cover up.

  3. nope, only appears that way to the democrats... pure politics.

    did you notice that the "whistle blower rules" were changed last month so that someone with "second hand" knowledge could blow the whistle... POLITICS

    this is politics and the left is showing that they are quite willing to be vicious to achieve power
