FOAB Information

Wednesday 22 January 2020

Climate Change Denier Protecting Himself From Climate Change

Not enough that he was going to get shown up by a teenage girl with pigtails, Donald Trump has burnished his reputation as the World's biggest climate change denier by making an embarrassing speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos calling those urging more action on climate change 'perennial prophets of doom' and the 'heirs of yesterday's foolish fortune tellers'.
Believing Climate Change to be a Chinese hoax to make American  manufacturing non-competitive, the Orange moron has previously said that: 'Global warming is a total, and very expensive, hoax and Americans should 'not be distracted by the expensive hoax that is global warming' and that it was a ridiculous situation for a president to be worried about global warming with it's 'ridiculous rules and regulations' and 'any small increase in global temperatures is nothing to worry about'.
I'm guessing then that it is a completely different Donald Trump who applied for planning permission to build large sea defences at his golf courses in Scotland and Ireland, citing on his application that the defences were necessary: 'because of global warming and rising sea levels'.
Hmmm...seems it is the same Donald Trump after all, the one who is happy to let his own country get savaged by the extreme weather that Global Warming brings but also wants to protect his businesses from the same Global Warming that he denies exists.

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