FOAB Information

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Killer Ai Bees

Charlie Brooker must be some sort of genius because it seems that some of the Worlds powers are using his brilliant Black Mirror series as a suggestion box.
Obviously that isn't a good thing, China are using his episode where citizens earn or lose credits depending on their behaviour as a template and now the Americans are planning on building warms of AI-powered bees for missions.
The Pentagon is trying to build a self-starting swarm of bees capable of recognising and tracking a target for search and rescue and search and destroy missions.
The resulting smart-swarm will be self-directing, able to find and track humans on its own and capable of streaming video of its activities with minimal outside direction but we’ve seen how this ends up, in Charlie Brooker's mind anyway.
In Black Mirror,  a swarm of autonomous drone bees are hacked and every day a single solitary drone bee assassin is weaponised to kill whichever public figure garners the most social media hate.
AI with minimal outside direction is the phrase which should be most alarming, as we have seen too many times, if a human cannot distinguish between a terrorist and a normal human then what chance an autonomous machine will be able to? 


  1. Questions, not just awesome journalists questions, should be asked by everyone, especially with military implications and definitely with autonomous military equipment.

  2. Yep, don’t send an insurance salesman to do a journalists job you could say.
