FOAB Information

Friday 10 January 2020

The Rise Of The War Machines

We know for absolute certainty that at some point in the future life on Earth will end, whether it will be the Sun dying or an asteroid crashing into us,  or even a pandemic wiping us all out but we know that at some point all human life will end.
One of the other reasons we need to consider is that our own stupidity will do it whether by a nuclear war or the Planet becoming uninhabitable due to man made Global Warming but even before we reach that stage AI could be bringing about our demise.
As we have been seeing more and more in conflicts, drones are being taking the place of human troops on the battlefield and a recent US Army war game saw a human-robot coalition repeatedly rout an all-human company three times its size.
The technology is in development and killing robots will only become more efficient as time passes although not to the level to stop civilian deaths even if it significantly reduced troops deaths and that is the reason why many of the recent wars have ground to a halt. 
The flag draped coffins of dead soldiers being unloaded off the back of an aeroplane is never a public relations winner, dead civilians in a far off country on the other hand is neither here or there, just a number or not counted at all as in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The problem is if warmongering leaders can now fight a war with little or no chance of casualties on their own side, it will make it easier to reach for the stick and as with nuclear weapons, the technology will not stay with just the major nations, soon enough they will be widespread 
and the worlds fighting machines will be ones that won’t ask awkward questions and won’t hesitate to shoot whoever they’re told to shoot.
War is awful and the people who make the wars are worse but with the chance of any the home-team being killed in battle removed, and with civilian casualties not an issue and the technology more accessible to more nations, the call for war will be made much easier for everyone and that can't be a good thing for the human race but to be honest, it was always going to be our own stupidity that was going to bring about our demise.

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