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Sunday 2 February 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Alexander The Great

Welcome to reading about some heroic events which you may well find impossible to attribute to any living person but then i, Alexander III of Macedonia, was a deeply remarkable man.
Back in the 4th Century BC they never had psychological tests but there have been plenty of people who have labelled me a psychopath, saying i displayed all the tell-tale signs such as a lack of empathy, no remorse, a massive sense of self-worth, vanity, self-centred, narcissistic and egotistical, i can't believe they haven't mentioned as handsome as any man who had ever lived.  
I may have gone down in the history books as the Great but i prefer the Greatest as not many 20 year olds become King and even less then go on a rampage across Greece and Persia leaving tens of thousands dead.
Not content with that i then hacked my way across Egypt and by the time i was 25 i was the Egyptian Pharaoh and King of Macedonia and Persia.
I founded over 70 cities and named 20 of them Alexandria after myself and even called one Bucephala after my horse but something i did fear was cats, horrible purry things, which was another reason for hating on the Persians, they have loads of the horrible creatures.
I had my eyes firmly on India but my troops said it was too far to march and refused to go with me so instead to raise moral we held a drinking competition but unfortunately the undiluted wine killed 35 contenders who died on the spot, while still six more died in the following days so not a great success.
I actually died the following year, some say through alcohol poisoning, some say i was poisoned by generals who wanted to stop me dragging them into even more dangerous conquests and some say i contracted Malaria but whatever happened, i was the original die young and leave a beautiful corpse and believe me, it was beautiful.

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