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Tuesday 4 February 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Emperor Caligula

I was the third Roman Emperor who reigned for a short period of 4 years but i am remembered for being one of the most despotic, insane, perverted and cruel leaders Rome ever had, which took some doing considering the competition.
I was a bit conscious of my balding head so made it illegal for any person to look down on me from above and ordered men with thicker hair to shave their heads and appointed my horse, Incitatus, as a consul, one of the highest political positions in Rome.
I also did declare myself a living god and ordered the construction of a bridge between the Palace and the Temple of Jupiter so that i could meet and speak with the Deity everyday but what i am probably best known for is my war against my greatest foe, the God of the Sea, Poseidon.
Any old Emperor could defeat the Carthaginians but it takes a special kind of Emperor to take on a God and as he lived in the sea, that's where i went looking for him.
I lined up every ship in the Roman Navy side by side stretching out far into the sea then i marched the entire Roman army across the ships and when they reached the end, made them all throw their spears into the ocean.
Admittedly to the untrained eye that looked a bit like thousands of men just throwing sticks into the
sea but we did kill thousands of his soldiers, or fish as they are also known. 
I did take Nero's idea of feeding Christians to the lions and turned it into a sport but unfortunately injuries early on didn't favour the Christians, having their legs chewed off in the first minute did seem to affect their pace a bit which made for short fights which i was gutted about, not as much as the Christians were obviously, but it was disappointing all the same.

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