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Sunday 23 February 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Galileo Galilei

Galileo here, the first man to use a telescope to look into space and discover the mountains and the craters on the moon and all the stars in the Milky Way and other cool stuff.
I was not in it for the fame or for the money, i didn't want to be a celebrity, just wanted to sell telescopes and they were better than the pap which gets sold nowadays.
Of course the Church was not fans of Astronomy because they saw it as threat to the rubbish that they had been pushing and the people found it enormously disorientating because one moment they thought they were sitting still on a ball of rock with everything going around them but it turned out they were hurtling through space with them going around everything else.
With my telescope i discovered that Jupiter had several moons which really upset the Pope as there were only supposed to be seven heavenly bodies, the Sun, the moon and five planets so the church forced me to recant or be executed, no brainer, i recanted.
To be fair the church did apologise and give me an official pardon in 1992 so by the Year 2450 they might get around to apologising for fiddling with half of the world's choir boys as well.
What amazes me is that in 330 BC Aristotle provided evidence for the spherical Earth, Copernicus explained the Earth went around the Sun in the 15th Century, i pointed out there were more things in the heavens then the Church told us in the 16th Century and Johann Kepler explained in the 17th Century that the orbits of the planets were not perfectly circular and here we are in the 21st Century and there are some people trying say that the Earth is flat like they believed in 6th century BC, mama mia!!
Anyway, i was a small cog in the scientific discoveries that were huge jumps in philosophy and pushed back against the ideas of the Church but unfortunately not enough for the few remaining religious types to say hang on, the Church lied, and go off and do something more worthwhile instead but then they always did believe that the universe revolved around them, literally.

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