FOAB Information

Saturday 14 March 2020

Boris Wrong & Dangerous Covid-19 Strategy

The British Government have not played a blinder when it comes to dealing with the Coronavirus outbreak.
Boris Johnson seems to have been behind the curve at every step and his advice has been to wash your hands more which then become wash your hands more, stay at home if you have a cough or temperature and if you are elderly, avoid going on cruises.
While everyone else around the World was closing schools and stopping sports events, he came on television to announce he wouldn't be doing that and gave a detailed explanation of why only for slip out a message that sporting events were being postponed two hours later.
The British Government's strategy appeared to staggeringly different to everyone elses, opting for 'herd immunisation' which is when a large percentage of a population have become infected and therefore become immune, thereby providing a measure of protection for individuals who are not immune although Sir Patrick Vallance, the government’s chief scientific adviser, has said that in order to be successful 60%-70% of the population must catch the disease, and with a Great British population of 67 million, that's between 40.2m and 46.9m infected and with a Covic-19 fatality rate of approximately 3%, that's 1.2m to 1.4m deaths.
Scientists and Medical people are queuing up to tell the Government to change their thinking which will 'risk many more lives than necessary' such as the Professor of emerging infectious disease, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and the World Health Organization who has called it 'wrong and dangerous'.
The plan to let tens of millions get infected, let a sizeable portion of those with them die rather than widespread testing, tracking down the contacts of every case and isolating them as many other countries in Asia and Europe have chosen to do is a mystery but as bad as we think we got it with Boris Johnson, we can only thank our lucky stars we don't have Donald Trump co-ordinating things, he called it a hoax and his initial advice was to be calm and it’ll go away.

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