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Thursday 5 March 2020

Carter USM - 'Falling On A Bruise

Rather remiss of me that after 4428 posts i have never mentioned the song from which i used as the title of this blog which was taken from the 1991 Carter USM song 'Falling on A Bruise'.
It's a British saying which means despite falling flat on our faces, we keep doing the same stupid thing over and again over again and continually falling on the same bruise that we got last time we did the crazy thing.
When i began this blog in 2007 it was the time just after the debacles of the Iraq and Afghan Wars, Iraq was a murderous hotbed of terrorists thanks to the actions of the West meanwhile in Afghanistan we were fighting against the very people that we had hailed as heroes and thrown support, money and arms at previously.
That we then did the exact same thing in Libya, arming and backing the very people that we had been fighting against in Iraq shows our own damned stupidity and then because it all worked out so well previously, we then did the same in Syria with Islamic State/Al Queada who took the arms we offered and re-invaded Iraq with them.
That's a damn big bruise we kept falling on right there but as well as wars it's the environment. I never joined up with the environmental cause until the late 80s and before then there was plenty of people jumping up and down and shouting about what we were doing to our planet and the consequences if we continued and now it is all coming true and there are still idiots who refuse to believe it and shamefully the biggest idiots are the leaders of the nations who do the most polluting.
Our financial system falls down on a regular basis and when it goes it drags down everyone from the poorest up creating chaos and wrecking lives but nobody is rushing to change it, we just keep patching it up, sending it back out again and hold our breath waiting for the next time it all comes crashing down around our ears.
Nothing is new in this world but we refuse to learn from our mistakes and we keep doing the crazy things again and again in the hope that it will be different this time but it never is, all we get is a fresh new bruise when we fall on it again.
That's why i chose this name, it sums up perfectly just how stupid we can be and have been and will always continue to be as Carter said: 'Some you win and some you lose / I've spent my hole lifetime falling on a bruise / And if I had the chance to do it all again / I'd change everything'.

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