FOAB Information

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Day 1 Working From Home

The Prime Minister took his sweet time about it but finally the country is almost full lockdown although judging by the amount of people i saw walking around, they either all took their single exercise period at the same time or their are some thick heads that the seriousness of the situation still hasn't sunk in yet.
As Boris is threatening fines for anyone disobeying the stay at home orders, he may have to get the stick out because the carrot of not dying or killing your relatives with your germs is not working so far.
As for me i was told to work closer to home last week and then two on my team went down with flu like symptoms and that's me at home for the next 14 days at least so i have set up a home office in the corner of the living room but working from home is not as easy as i imagined.
The problem i am finding straight away is the amount of distractions and i don't mean from other people, i mean from myself as it is so easy to just get up and make another cup of coffee, check my phone or take a vape break every 30 minutes.
I have the radio on which is fine when it is BBC Radio 5 which has no actual music but saying to the Google speaker 'Play SAM FM' is far too easy and don't get me started on time spent on Skype/Facebook/WhatsApp/Microsoft Teams/Email which all put a serious crimp in my actual work time.
I know i will have to be more disciplined and i have promised myself from tomorrow it's going to be less vaping and coffee and more typing  and concentrating and ignoring all those technological things pinging at me.

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