FOAB Information

Thursday 19 March 2020

Great Timing For Racist British Government

If ever there was a good time to bury bad news it is now which is why the Windrush report is not getting the necessary amount of attention that it deserves.
The scathing report sets out that the Conservative Government under Theresa May demonstrated 'institutional ignorance and thoughtlessness towards the issue of race during the Windrush scandal that British citizens were 'wrongly deported, dismissed from their jobs and deprived of services such as NHS care' which is 'consistent with some elements of the definition of institutional racism'.
The scandal centers around Theresa May's policy to make the UK 'a really hostile environment for illegal immigrants' but included the children of the Caribbean immigrants who were encouraged to travel to the UK after World War 2 but were never given the requisite documents, documents they were being asked to produce in order to prove they were British Citizens.
Before it came to a screeching halt, at least 83 people had been wrongly deported from the UK by the Home Office and 50,000 more faced deportation and the report states that Ministers should provide an unqualified apology to those affected and to the wider Afro-Caribbean community.
The current Home Secretary, Priti Patel, wasted no time and stood up in the House of Commons today to give an official apology, saying: 'On behalf of this and successive governments I am truly sorry'.
With Coronavirus leading the news agenda, this news will be filed in the corner of page eleven of most newspapers and towards the end of  news bulletins but it deserves so much more attention so a great bit of timing for the Government, now where's the long postponed release of the Russian election meddling report?

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