FOAB Information

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Listen Out For The Good News Too

Being outside at the moment is quite eerie and with the crackdowns now coming thick and fast, it is only going to get stranger but if a draconian crackdown is what it takes, then that is exactly what we need to happen.
With news of 475 deaths in one day in Italy and the Worldwide total now standing at 8,891 with China (3,237), Italy (2,978), Iran (1,135) and Spain (623) accounting for almost 90% of that toll, it is right to be scared because these are scary times.
Britain today stepped up it's battle against the virus by shutting down all it's Nursery's, Schools, Colleges and Universities and so many people are working from home or self-isolating that its almost like the Christmas period on the roads with half empty motorways.
I am no fan of Boris Johnson and i thought that he should have gone harder and faster than he did, the worry was that he was going to burn through the short time we had before the virus hit proper but better late than never and now we are following in the steps of our European neighbours and shutting the country down to try and stop the spread of the disease.
A silver lining is that the air quality is already improving as airplanes are grounded and less cars moving around and pumping out their exhaust fumes and as always in tragedies, there are some good guys.
McDonald's have today said they will give free hot drinks to NHS workers and i have seen numerous random acts of kindness with people setting up groups to go shopping for other people and the supermarkets have set aside certain times of the day when elderly and vulnerable shoppers can stock up before the hordes descend and wheel off all the toilet roll.
China and South Korea are starting to close down their Coronavirus hospitals as they are not taking in enough new cases to support them and researchers have managed to isolate and grow copies of the virus which is a huge stride towards making a vaccine.
So yes this is hard and frightening and things are being turned upside down at the moment and probably will for the next few months but we will come out the other side and things will return to normal so a few more months of hardship in order to save possibly tens of  millions of lives Worldwide will be worth it, just remember when you are listening to the News bulletins to keep an ear out for the good news stories as well as the horror ones.


  1. i suppose if someone wants to go around being scared this is a good excuse. but why go around being scared? there is a good excuse every day...

  2. There are plenty of scared people around and not just because of the virus but for their jobs etc
