FOAB Information

Friday 27 March 2020

Right Wing Ideology Fails Yet Again

Hmmm....that decision by the Conservative Party to run down the NHS resulting in closing 44 hospitals and treatment centers with a loss of 15,000 beds and 160,000 nurses is not looking quite a hot idea now, especially as they are now issuing a 'Save The NHS' plea for most of those former Nurses to now come back.
Nor i suspect the decision to cut the Police by 20,000 officers as a similar plea goes out today for former PC's to return to service to manage the demands on them over the coming weeks.
Anyone calling the COVID-19, HMRC and Universal Credits helplines are facing hours and hours of wait to speak to someone as they are being manned by a Civil Service which was drastically cut by 100,000 staff.
The cuts were always a right wing ideological decision and as we learn time after time after time, right wing ideological decisions are great for the few but disastrous for the many.
Of course once this is all over it will be thanks and goodbye to all the volunteers and the Conservative cuts will continue with even more gusto as the economy is going to be wrecked by then so if nothing else comes out of this disaster, let the right wing ideology of a smaller public service forever leave our thinking because when we have truly needed it, it is a shadow of what it was before the right wing brain-dead zealots got their hands on it.

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