FOAB Information

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Amelia Earhart

We didn't have the word Feminism back when i was around but i was a champion of the The Equal Rights For Women so i guess i fit the description of one.  
I survived with a few sinus problems following a dose of the Spanish Flu as a child but i didn't let that stop me, and after watching a flying show i worked as a truck driver, stenographer and a photographer to be able to afford flying lessons.
I became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, flying for 14 hours straight from Newfoundland to Ireland, it was supposed to be Newfoundland to Paris but stopped short due to the weather conditions.
Not satisfied with just one feat of prowess, i then became the first person to fly across both the Atlantic and Pacific, setting records for the women's autogiro altitude record, the first person to fly solo from Hawaii to California, the first to fly solo from Los Angeles to Mexico City and set seven women's speed and distance aviation records. Oh, and i was Editor of Cosmopolitan magazine.
It was attempting to circle the globe which proved my undoing, my first attempt coming to a halt due to technical difficulties but i patched up the old girl and tried again a few months later.
This time i flew in the opposite direction, heading Eastwards and after 22,000 miles and crossing Africa, India, and South Asia, my plane met the surface of the Pacific Ocean just 6,200 miles short of home.
They say my body was never found and in 1939 a court declared me legally dead leaving behind several conspiracy theories that i had been captured and taken hostage by the Japanese or that i faked my death or even that i had landed on a desert island but the truth is that i just ran out of fuel and gravity and dropping from a few thousands feet did the rest.

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