FOAB Information

Thursday 12 March 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Judy Garland

People did say that i was difficult person to work with but as i was off my face on barbiturates and amphetamines most of the time so what did they expect.
I am probably best known for my role as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz and that was the highlight before the nervous breakdowns, suicide attempts and bizarre behaviour on set which led to the downfall of my Hollywood movie career.
I was cast to appear in the movie of the Valley of the Dolls but on the set i refused to come out of my dressing room for two days, then lost the caps to my front teeth on the third day they pushed a note under the door to tell me that that they were firing me.
Being a druggie isn't cheap and i soon faced a massive drugs bill and nobody trusting me to not turn up on a film set and be a massive pain in the ass put a hole in my finances so i then turned to singing and performed concerts almost non-stop through 1967 but still had to sell my home when the IRS came knocking with a massive tax bill.
In the final of years of her life, i began showing up late to concerts, cancelling them at the last minute or appearing inebriated on stage, one night i turned up 35 minutes late, sang three songs and then fell asleep.
At age 47 i was found dead in the bathroom with my death caused by what the autopsy called 'an accidental self-administered overdose of barbiturates' so in many ways Elvis's career mirrored that of mine, we both acted and sang, both had drug addictions and were both found dead in the toilet while in our 40s.

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