FOAB Information

Thursday 26 March 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Louis Pasteur

I hope Lucy has cleaned this keyboard, especially as i am known as the enemy of the germ world but it is true that i became slightly obsessed with hunting them down.
My colleagues in the scientific community didn't believe that something so tiny could kill a human being but through my experiments i was able to show that many terrible diseases such as anthrax and tuberculosis was the work of germs.
Friends stopped coming around to our dinner parties after a while as i would describe the amount of germs on the plates and cutlery and i was the first to prove that many common diseases were caused by germs.
I developed cures for diseases and saved thousands of lives but the whole thing was due to me being asked to improve French wine which was inferior to the German wine of the time.
A peek under the microscope showed that the wine was populated by yeast and the French wine contained a type of yeast which contained far more rod-shaped microorganisms, or germs, which affected the taste and made it spoil quicker.
The winemakers were happy to have a way to improve their wine by changing the yeast they used but i noticed that those germs in the wine were also the same ones that could be found in spoiled milk and most importantly, if you heated the milk, or pasteurised it as it become known, it killed many of the things and stopped poisoning people.
Dairies worldwide started heating the milk before selling it and it became my legacy and the process named after me which is flattering if a bit uncool being known as the hot milk guy especially as the original experiments were an effort to improve alcohol.

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