FOAB Information

Saturday 21 March 2020

Thanking Our Lucky Stars We Have NHS

A decade of running down the NHS has come back to kick this Government in the butt and that is worth remembering when a Government Minister is on television bleating about the NHS under strain due to the lack of beds and hospital places, it was them who underfunded it by raising the NHS budget by 1% each year since 2010 rather than the historical 4% it requires and making £22 billion worth of cuts and closing 44 hospitals and treatment centers with a loss of 15,000 beds.
That the NHS has kept going at all is an achievement and that is despite this Government rather than because of it so it is right that we cherish it and the NHS workers because if the NHS was to go, what we would have in its place is an American style Health Care system and the Coronavirus outbreak is showing just how awful that system is.
Whereas in the UK with our free NHS, we can go to the doctors and if needed, be treated for free, in America it is very much not the case with the high cost of treatment leaving many reluctant to get tested or seek treatment, worried about getting large medical bills even when they have health insurance.
An assessment by S&P Global found that 54%, of Americans are not financially able to handle a contagious disease like Coronavirus and a report from CNBC and FAIR Health report the cost of doctors, hospital stays, testing and medication ranges from $1,300 to $20,292 depending on your level of insurance and how serious a case you have.
'The problem is that if people know they face hundreds or thousands of dollars in bills, they’ll hesitate, they’ll wait and see' said consumer advocacy group Families USA.
The NHS we have in the UK may be creaking after a decade of Conservative Cuts but we can thank our lucky stars that we have a free Health System paid for by our NI Contributions and not what America has which is what the Government are desperate to achieve and this pandemic is a shocking reminder why we should resist that with all we have.


  1. So, why can't you stick to beating your breast about how great the UK is?

    why do you have to criticize the US?

  2. Oh, and by the way, the method for handling the virus is to stay home, keep distance from others, wash your hands, wear disposable cloves, and I say cover your face when out and around other people.


    And the 54% number is bullshit. They just make up shit. And, everybody in america gets health care. maybe not the way the UK does it, but our hospitals and clinics and doctors offices are full of people every day getting health care that "can't afford it".

    Expect millions of Americans to get CV, and expect tens of thousands to die BECAUSE THEY CONTINUED TO MINGLE UNTIL THIS WEEK (and some are still out like nothing is happening)

  3. Criticised the American health system because it is the direction our MPs want our own health system to go and this is a warning that is saying is what you want because if we don’t stop it now, that’s whats going to happen.


    Stunning, flat out awfully stunning. No more I can say about it but what a woeful lack of understanding even for you, woeful.
