FOAB Information

Sunday 5 April 2020

Construir El Muro!!!

Oh the irony of the country that Donald Trump wanting to build a wall across to prevent Mexicans from getting into the US is now wanting to stop Americans from crossing the border into their country.
Mexico currently has far fewer cases of Coronavirus, 1890 to date with 79 deaths, whereas the US now has the most on the planet with  332,993 cases and 9,528 deaths.
Reports state that the residents of the Mexican state of Sonora, which is just south of Arizona is has closed its border checkpoint with America on Wednesday out of fear of infected Americans entering their country.
The entire border between the two nations was closed and President Trump did announce that the border would be closed until the outbreak has passed but didn't say it was closed by the Mexicans after the death of an elderly man who recently returned from the US.
Maybe chants of Build The Wall will be coming from the Mexican side of the border from now on.

1 comment:

  1. why is that ironic?

    you obviously know little about the relationship between mexicans and americans...

    mexico has had a grudge against the US since texans kicked their asses and claimed freedom. it got worse when we decided we needed southern arizona so we could build a rail to connect the east coast and west coast. seems they gave us an excuse when their troops chased some bandits across the border...

    anyway, there has been decades of envy toward america and disdain toward mexico.

    it is easy to see why. get in google maps and look at the satellite images of el paso, then look south 1 mile and look at the images of juarez...
