FOAB Information

Thursday 23 April 2020

Could Nicotine Be The Solution To Covid-19?

It is understandable why some countries are putting all their resources into finding a vaccination to end the Covid-19 outbreak but as well as saving lives, it will make a fortune for the country that develops it first and it seems that the UK is currently leading the race with Jenner Institute scientists at Oxford University saying they are 'extraordinarily confident' that their vaccine against the Coronavirus will work and it will be ready by September.
Their confidence is built on this vaccine technology being a modified version of the vaccine that is already working against other Coronavirus MERS and Ebola.
Named Chaddox-one, the clinical trials are already underway with an initial 500 volunteers before being scaled up to 5,000 people and offering it to healthcare workers on the front line, who are at the greater risk but such is their confidence that they are already in discussions with manufacturers to make the required billions of doses the world needs.
In other developments, a report from France has tentatively suggested that early data from a small group of Coronavirus victims indicate that those who smoke and need hospital treatment make up a disproportionately small number of people in hospital with COVID-19, just 4.4% and figures from hospitals in Paris show that of around 11,000 patients treated in hospital for COVID-19, 8.5% were smokers.
The science is that Nicotine protects against the virus by preventing it reaching the body's cells and the nicotine prevents the immune system going into overdrive due to the infection, as has been seen among some of the worst-affected cases.
The French Health Officials are suitably impressed to trial handing nicotine patches to Coronavirus patients and healthcare workers treating infected people. 
Neurobiologist Jean-Pierre Changeux, who has reviewed the work, speculated that coupled with a Chinese study of more than 1,000 infected people which found the proportion of infected smokers was 12.6%, they could be onto something although he did warn that smoking related deaths in France are around 75,000 each year so whatever the French words for frying pans and fires, be warned.
I am going to order my next load of Nicotine for my vape very soon because e-liquid could very soon become the new toilet roll.

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