FOAB Information

Sunday 26 April 2020

Restriction LIfting Win-Win For Me

We woke up to news this morning that Boris Johnson is going back to work on Monday which doesn't fill anybody with confidence considering that he is in charge keeping us all safe during the Coronavirus effort but was off work himself after catching it but it proves nobody is immune, especially those who boasted proudly about shaking hands with Coronavirus victims just prior to falling ill.
What the Prime Minister does have to decide is when and how to bring us out of lock-down because whatever he does the cases are going to go up as people begin to mingle back in the outside World.
With the economy tanking at an alarming rate, he has a fine balancing act to achieve but the medical teams are saying that the current rate of newly hospitalised cases, currently standing at 3,583, is far too high to consider lifting lock-down restrictions at present and the number would need to get down to a few hundred new cases a day before they can do that which could take months.
According to some, there is a battle going on within Government between those who want the restrictions eased to save the economy from collapse or whether the restrictions should be tightened even further to reduce the new cases quicker.
The restrictions are due to be looked at again on May 7th by which time we should have some figures in from nations which have partially lifted their lock-down and decide from their experiences how we should proceed but from a purely personal point of view, i am loving the empty roads and empty supermarkets at keyworker times so if they decide to lift restrictions and i can go back to work proper then i am fine, if they decide to leave things for another three weeks i am fine with that also.
Over to you Boris.

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