FOAB Information

Thursday 30 April 2020

Saving Lives First, Saving The Economy Second

I have always found talk that the most important aspect of this pandemic is not overwhelming the NHS strange because i always thought the most important aspect was people not dying needlessly but i decided to take it that they meant an overwhelmed NHS would mean less people able to be treated and therefore dying so it;s the same same objective, just that the Government took two steps to get to where i was with my one step.
What i can't accept, as well as the ridiculous war language the government seem to insist on using, is the continual chatter that we need to get the economy going as soon as possible.
It is okay for America where some are demonstrating to end the lock-down by taking to the streets and therefore ensuring that the virus has a fresh bunch of previously hidden away bodies to infect, it is run by a man who described it all as a hoax, blamed the WHO and China for his own inadequacies and then told people to ingest disinfectant, he is up there with our own Boris Johnson and Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro as the people running the show who you would least like to be running the show.
The right-wing press is now starting to make louder sounds about ending the lock-down, a familiar cry is that the economic woes will end up destroying as many lives as the virus which in the UK has so far killed 26,097, the Conservative Party Austerity measures following the 2008 economic woes resulted in over 130,000 deaths in the UK according to Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) but i don't recall the right wing press speaking up then as the poor and disabled got buried.
We all know that the UK economy has tanked but the lockdown isn't going to be forever and when it all comes to an end, it will grow again and as Capitalism has shown time after time, it will fall over again and crash the economy many times over in our lifetimes but if the lock-down is ended before it should safely be, because the economy is currently suffering, then many more will die as the virus spreads itself around the population once again.
The Conservatives running the show are the same Conservatives that literally gave us the killer austerity last time and as they have nothing else left to cut so they will probably have to bring in tax rises to balance the books but if the choice is between keeping everybody safe and paying some extra tax for the next few years, then that seems a better option than risking more people dying than is necessary in order to bring back an economy a few months quicker, an economy which will eventually spring back anyway.
It is not a choice between saving lives or saving the economy, both can be done but saving lives must always come first and then afterwards we start on the finances because i guarantee you ask anybody who has lost a loved one to Covid-19 if they could have their loved one back but it would cost them an few extra pence on income tax for the next few years, they would take the tax rise.

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