FOAB Information

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Sex Scandal Hit Biden Or Trump In Fine Presidential Company

With the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, accused of sexual assault by a former staffer Tara Reade and the current President admitting to 'grabbing women by the pussy', the choice for the next President seems to be between a alleged sex offender and a self-admitted one but it wouldn't be the first time that Americans have elected a man with sexual scandals in his locker to the highest office in their land.
George Washington, the very first president was alleged to have fathered children with a slave named Venus who lived on his family's estate and the same accusation was made against John Tyler with one of his Virginia slaves with James Garfield had an extramarital affair while he was a Civil War general.
DNA evidence has proved that Thomas Jefferson fathered six children with his slave and the half sister of his late wife, Sally Heming and bigamist Andrew Jackson married an already married woman while James Buchanan was an alleged closet homosexual having an affair with a fellow Senator William Rufus King, scandalous in 19th Century America.
Grover Cleveland denied raping and fathering a child but paid child support to the mother and Woodrow Wilson and Warren Harding were reportedly having affairs and Harding fathering at least one confirmed illegitimate child.
Dwight Eisenhower carried out a lengthy affair with his driver, Kay Summersby and Franklin D. Roosevelt was notorious for plenty of extra-marital affairs as was John F. Kennedy including Marilyn Monroe and an intern which is exactly what Bill Clinton was famously found guilty of and all the information regarding cigars and 'that blue dress' and the accompanying stains.
Father like son with George H.W. Bush faced allegations of affairs with a White House staffer and his son, George W. Bush was alleged of sexually assaulting a Texas woman who later committed suicide and engaged in an 18-month affair with a former stripper.
Lyndon B. Johnson had extramarital affairs with multiple women over the years with at least one illegitmate child and Trump is a self confessed sexual predator with affairs with porn stars to his name so whichever one out of Biden or Trump wins in November, they will in fine company in the list of sex scandal Presidents.

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