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Friday 17 April 2020

Special Guest Blogger: James Madison

I was the fourth, and shortest, President of the United States and hailed as the "Father of the Constitution" for my pivotal role in drafting and promoting the Constitution of the United States and the United States Bill of Rights, co-founding the Democratic-Republican Party but probably my longest lasting contribution was inserting the second amendment into the Constitution, i was only 5'4" so had to compensate somehow!
I was always very suspicious of the British so insisted on a clause that: 'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed'.
The problem was that the British never invaded again and Americans just ignored the well regulated bit and went on collecting bigger and more dangerous weapons and with a lack of British soldiers to aim at, they began blowing big holes in each other instead but i maintain that the real tragedy is guns get a bad name by the gun nuts going on mass killing sprees.
Some say collecting machines capable of killing each other is a rather perverse hobby but to me it's just like stamp collecting with the only difference being instead of small pieces of sticky paper, we collect large and dangerous military grade weapons.
I say to the people who want to abolish gun clubs that they are ruining things for the responsible gun owning lunatics of America and how dare they try and take away my second amendment right to keep powerful killing machines in my own home and around my family if i want, as if their right to not be blown to bits in a school or while innocently going about their business is more important than mine.
Some people have tried to say that i am to blame for the massive amount of resulting gun deaths by introducing the second amendment in the first place but there is no danger of me ever being found responsible, because i was very irresponsible.


  1. So, once again you are wrong.

    The right to bear arms was not about the damned british.

    it was for the following reasons...

    1.) protect yourself, family and property (most people lived in rural areas. there were no police to call - not like they arrive on time today...)

    2.) if the federal government tries to take over.
    - most states have a significant state "guard" reporting to the governor
    - combine that with local "national guard" units and you have a significant militia
    - typically foreign governments support the populace by providing arms and advice
    - many troops would join the citizenry and bring their skills/resources

  2. and you dumbasses did attack again in 1812, while he was president...

    then the Beatles invaded in 1963 or 1964...

  3. while he may have introduced the amendment (not sure it was him), a vast majority agreed that it, along with free speech, are foundational to individual freedom.

    they were not over-indexed on equality for all... we needed leftists like stalin, lenin, mao, and castro for that kind of warped lunatic thinking
