FOAB Information

Saturday 11 April 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Joe Louis

Twenty-five defenses of my heavyweight title, a world champion for 11 years and 10 months but i ended up owing the IRS millions.
I thought my manager Mike Jacobs and i were a team, i would knock people out and we would share the purse but it seemed i got the bit with the clasp and he got the bit with all the money in it.
I was the one who would end up with my nose on one side of my face and it's tough not being able to smell your food until you've eaten it.
As i was in my prime before television cameras, i do not have much proof that i, 'The Brown Bomber', along with Muhammad Ali, was amongst the greatest heavyweight boxers of all time and my record shows that i won 95.6% of my fights.
Something Muhammad Ali and i do share is that we both stood up to racist governments in our days, Ali the American and me the German Nazi's.
When not busy with world domination, Hitler was fond of idle speculation on which races he thought were superior and when it was announced that i would fight Germany's White Bomber, Max Schmeling, Hitler used the event to laud the Arayan's race superiority.
There must have been some awkwards moments around the Nazi water coolers the next morning because in just two minutes and four seconds of the opening bell, Schmeling was out cold flat on his back with cartoon birds flying around his head. 
At a time when African-Americans were still being segregated, discriminated against and lynched, it made little difference in America that the biggest hero in America was a black man but whereas Ali used pacifism to protest against the racists treatment of Blacks, i used my God-given gift for violence to knock seven bales of shit out them and my way was much more satisfying.

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