FOAB Information

Sunday 19 April 2020

UK Government Coming Under Fire

It is fair to say that the UK Governments response to the outbreak of the Coronavirus has been woefully inadequate, made even worse that we had the heads up from China, Italy, France and Spain what was coming our way but the unwritten rule has been that while the crisis is ongoing, criticism of the Government has been minimal but the news breaking today of how the Prime Minister skipped the first five COBRA Meetings, seems to have changed all that.
On 31 Dec, after being advised by the Chinese Government, the World Health Organisation sent a report to Global Health Officials with the highest level of alert and convened a conference calls with all Global Health Leaders on January 7th and issued technical guidance notes on January 10th with detailed clinical criteria for dealing with the virus including isolation.
It was on Jan 29 that the had its first two confirmed cases of the disease, the day before the WHO declares a 'public health emergency of international concern' calling on all governments to pursue containment.
On March 3 the Prime Minister tells a press conference: 'I was at a hospital the other night where I think there were actually a few Coronavirus patients and I shook hands with everybody, you’ll be pleased to know, and I continue to shake hands' and that: 'we should be going about our business as usual'.
On 16 March, 66 days after the WHO guidance, Boris Johnson said that 'cafes, nightclubs, theaters, cinemas, gyms and leisure centers, pubs, bars and restaurants should close as soon as they reasonably can' after the Imperial College publishes a report that under the Governments current directions, the virus could kill 250,000 people.
On March 18, 68 Days after being told to isolate by WHO, the Government announced the closure of all schools until further noticed and Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO’s director-general, singles out the UK for knowing since that first report from China that COVID-19 was a lethal illness 'Yet they did too little, too late'. Richard Horton of the Lancet says: 'Something has gone badly wrong in the way the UK has handled COVID-19'.
73 Days after receiving the WHO guidance, on March 23rd, Boris Johnson announces British lock-down.
As of today 19 April 2020, more than 120,067 cases of COVID-19 had been confirmed in the U.K. and the virus had killed more than 16,060, the fifth highest fatalities in the World so something did go very badly wrong and the finger is now being pointed firmly at Boris Johnson and his Government.

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