FOAB Information

Wednesday 8 April 2020

Why The Fuss Over Hydroxychloroquine?

The World Health Organisation has said that there is no evidence that the malaria drugs Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine are an effective treatment for the Coronavirus but a few World leaders, admittedly American President Donald Trump and  Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, are claiming they are the cure.
Due to potential harmful effect on the patients liver and kidneys, the body in charge of licensing medicines in America, has granted them the status of 'emergency use only' as has France with the country's medical watchdog warning of side effects.
India's health ministry has tentatively recommended the use of Hydroxychloroquine for Health Workers if they have a prescription from a doctor although it comes with a warning that drug is experimental and only for emergency situations.
In early laboratory tests, Chloroquine seemed to block the Coronavirus but scientists are quick to say that there is insufficient evidence at the moment from current trials as to their effective use in treatment of patients with Covid-19 and the drug brings with it risks of serious side effects, including renal and liver damage which flies in the face of Donald Trump's: 'What do you have to lose'
comment after boasting that the US had amassed 29m doses of the drug despite, Dr Anthony Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease doctor, when asked whether it should be considered a treatment for Covid-19, said: 'The answer is no'.
Trump’s promotion of the drug has raised questions about his motivation, and on Monday the New York Times reported that the President holds 'a small personal financial interest in Sanofi, the company that makes a brand name version of Hydroxychloroquine and that is the point where you can stop listening as it explains everything.
Much safer to keep washing your hands and wait for the vaccine.

1 comment:

  1. WHO is full of shit and idiots.

    everything trump does raises questions from the left. if he blocks travel from china he is a racist. if he doesn't block travel from china he is letting americans die. the left are idiots full of shit. WHO is probably full of leftists.
