FOAB Information

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Why I Won't Clap For Boris

A campaign has been launched to get the nation to 'Clap for Boris' in the same way that NHS workers are applauded each Thursday as he battles Coronavirus in hospital.
Count me out because as much as i wish him a speedy recovery, as i do all patients struck down with the virus, i'm not going to applaud for him especially considering what him and his party have done to the NHS that they are so reliant upon now, him more than most.
He was part of the team that over the last decade of Conservative Party rule have run down the NHS and closed 44 hospitals and treatment centers with a loss of 15,000 beds which are sorely needed now so why would be be applauding anyone associated with that?
Then there is Brexit which Boris himself lied and misled on and the Conservative Parties Hostile Environment for immigrants which it's own report found demonstrated 'institutional ignorance and thoughtlessness consistent with some elements of the definition of institutional racism' so why would anyone want to clap that?
Then there are the ideological austerity measures which has taken 20,000 police off the streets and resulted in a sharp rise in crime and the cutting of benefits to the most needy such as the disabled and
who can forget the moment in Parliament when the Conservative Party actually applauded successfully blocking a desperately-needed pay rise for Nurses so who would want to cheer that?
That Boris and his Government were so slow to introduce the measures to keep the nation safe from the COVID-19 outbreak with the 'Herd Immunity' being the first strategy until it was pointed out by the medical teams that it would mean up to 47m infected and 1.4m deaths, only then did they bring in the lock-down in extreme, reluctant slow motion and why would anyone want to praise the people behind that?
I hope Boris gets well and is back in 10 Downing Street hopefully with a newfound realisation of just how damaging his parties awful right-wing ideology has been to the country and set about righting the dreadful and atrocious actions they have done, now that would be worth applauding.

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