FOAB Information

Friday 24 April 2020

You First Donald

I stumbled out of bed this morning and while i was brushing my teeth and trying to free a slice of bread that was wedged in the toaster,  i heard the radio commentator repeat something that Donald Trump had said about a possible treatment for Coronavirus.
I assumed, because it was so outrageously awful, in my sleepy bread and toothpaste related state i had misheard because even him, as moronic and ignorant he is, even HE wouldn't have said such an absurd thing.
It was only when i saw that the maker of Dettol disinfectant put out a statement that their product: 'should not be ingested under any circumstances, our disinfectant products should not be administered into the human body through injection, ingestion or any other route' that i realised that he did say what i thought i heard him say.   
'Right, and then I see the disinfectant, it knocks it out in a minute, one minute and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning' he said before adding: 'I'm not a doctor. I am a person that has a good, you know what' he added while pointing to his head and not explaining what we knew he had a good one of but we can assume he didn't mean brain or hairstyle obviously.
It beggars belief that you would say such a thing but then again it is mad that a disinfectant company felt it had to put out a statement saying don't drink or inject it.
Trump supporters were obviously not towards the front of the queue when intelligence was being handed out but even they wouldn't drink disinfectant, would they? The Dettol people obviously thought some might so stepped in to say ignore the massive orange idiot.
As for Trump drinking it, knock yourself out, as you said about another failed cure you were pushing recently, what's the worst that could happen?


  1. i'm thinking, have the left lost all sense of humor? i mean, you can hate Trump's humor, but should at least be able to tell when someone is joking or being sarcastic.

    then i started thinking about leftist's in america and realized that the last leftist leader here that showed any humor was Billy Clinton.

    Hillary was a roaring bitch.

    obama was completely hung up on his image as "great statesman"

    Al Gore, can't even smile without looking like a creeper.

    John Kerry, me plastic can't smile... period... too much botox dude

    Bernie is too pissed off all the time to smile.

    biden told one joke after he coerced the ukraine into firing an investigator. something like "we told em to get rid of that guy or else, and son-of-a-bitch, he is gone, ha ha ha". good one joe.

    if Trump said to drink gasoline the left would think he meant it.


    Hate and anger are getting the best of leftists... although, that is how i imagine Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Castro... no humor, just hate, envy, and only glee when they bring someone else down...

  2. When i heard his pathetic excuse i laughed and thought i wonder just how gullible would someone have to be to believe that? Turns out as gullible as you.
    It seems almost cruel to laugh at you if you are that easily fooled so i will just smile kindly, shake my head and hope there are no sharp objects around you.

  3. the sad thing is how you have so much hate of trump you are you to believe that he was being literal... that is sad

    seriously, rethink your objectivity for your own good.

    i have lots of weapons, and i've had them for a long time!!
    - got my first pocket knife age 5
    - first gun age 6
    - now have about 30 hunting, scuba, and pocket knives... and i have a machete...
    - over 30 guns
    - and bullets... lots and lots of bullets...

  4. Oh my, you really were sucked in by that lame satirical excuse. Laughably poor even for you.
