FOAB Information

Saturday 16 May 2020

A Decade of Tory Rule

Today is the official 10th Birthday of the Conservative Party being handed the keys to 10 Downing Street and we have been through a decade of Conservative rule under David Cameron, Theresa May and now Boris Johnson although the general rule of 'are we better off today then we were when they took over' is not easy to consider under the current climate but they must have done some things right, mustn't they? 
One of the the very first actions of the Government in 2010 was to announce drastic cuts to public services ushering in a decade of austerity while dropping the top rate of income tax from 50% to 45% and raised tuition fees to £9,000 a year.
Any savings were quickly negated by the £1bn spent bombing Libya and then there was more austerity and cuts to the NHS with the loss of 44 hospital and tens of thousands of nurses with the Health Minister picking a fight with junior doctors over a new contract which extended their working hours.
Then there was Brexit with David Cameron's decision for a referendum which has split the country ever since and then Theresa May took over from Cameron and swiftly cut disability benefits and continued with her policy of deporting British citizens as part of her 'hostile environment policy'.
More austerity followed, the number of food banks and homeless sky-rocketed as she said 'she didn't have a magic money tree' but Boris Johnson replaced her after she failed to get her Brexit deal through Parliament and he unlawfully prorogued parliament, hid in a fridge to avoid an interview and after a scandalous first few months on the job, made awful decisions over the Coronavirus outbreak.
Allowing sport to continue and the Cheltenham Festival attended by 250,000 at the same time as everybody else was locking-down their citizens, Britain now has the second highest death toll from Coronavirus in the world behind the USA.
So there we have it, a decade of the Conservatives in Downing Street and with Brexit around the corner, a recession to overcome and a response to Covid-19 led by a man who boasted about shaking hands with Coronavirus and then almost dying of it himself.
Still, stay alert because we have at least another five years of this to come.

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