FOAB Information

Friday 29 May 2020

Awful, Awful, Awful

Can anybody really be surprised that the nations at the top of the grim Coronavirus death league are run by Donald Trump and Boris Johnson?
If ever there was two people you would least want to be spearheading your country during a killer pandemic, is is these two but being British it is the clown in Downing Street who has the direct effect on me, Trump can do what he likes in the land of the free, they voted for him, we voted for the guy and his team currently taking it in turns to stand behind a Downing Street lectern telling us all to stay at home apart from the occasional 270 mile trips to Durham which seems to be acceptable now.
From the very start Boris has been awful and not one to make the same mistake twice when he can make it four or five times, it is now the testing part that has gone horribly wrong although it wasn't great to start with. 
Worldwide medical opinion agrees that a vital part of dealing with this situation is getting people tested so our guys decided that the most efficient way of testing for a disease is to wait until someone’s at death’s door from it so we could only get tested once we had the Coronavirus symptoms badly enough to be taken to hospital.
Then there is the all important contact tracing app which we was promised would be made available by May 15th but is still 'being tested' today 14 days later and the much vaunted 25,000 contact tracers being unable to log into the NHS system due to 'technical difficulties'.
It would be funny if it wasn't so serious but i'm sure that it will all be smoothed over by whatever wonk takes today's briefing at 5pm, so don’t forget to take your nearest and dearest for a cross country spin beforehand to make sure your eyes are working well enough to watch it.

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