FOAB Information

Sunday 17 May 2020

Darwin's Law For Covid-19 Protesters

Part of me thinks that the people that are protesting against the lock-down should be left to get on with it, call it Darwin's Law of natural selection, if you are stupid enough to protest against your Government trying to keep you alive then the Gene Pool will benefit from you not being around to pass on your genes to the next generation.
Fortunately the protests were very small but just like those waving banners about lack of freedom in America, it does detract from your message somewhat if you turn up in masks and keep to social distancing measures, especially if you are branding the whole virus thing a hoax.
The other part of me worries that they are going to turn up for an hour, wave their banners and look like idiots for an hour and then take the virus back home to their families and it isn't their fault they have such an idiot parent or sibling.
One day we will have a vaccine for Coronavirus but unfortunately no vaccination will be available for stupid.

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