FOAB Information

Sunday 3 May 2020

David Icke

David Icke calls himself the man the elite are afraid of and has even more of a beef now that his YouTube Channel and Facebook page have been deleted because he repeatedly posted misinformation about the COVID-19 outbreak.
Mr Icke is very well known in Britain, he is the guy who gave up a job in journalism after being told that he was the new messiah by a psychic and when he got laughed at, said: '2,000 years ago, had a guy called Jesus sat here and said the same thing you would still be laughing'.
His predictions include that the world would end in 1997 (spoiler: it never) and claims that climate change is a hoax, the Royal Family are lizards and 9/11 was an inside job and his latest brainfart that Coronavirus is linked to 5G mobile phone networks and that there is actually no virus and the lock-downs are a just way of destroying people's livelihoods and making them dependent on the state.
YouTube have explained that: 'Due to continued violation of these policies we have terminated David Icke's YouTube channel' so i am all for free speech and then when they free speecher is being a nugget, mocking them but as Icke's number include people with the sense that 5G is behind the virus, and then destroying the masts, probably fair that the ring leader is removed.
Donald Trump must be getting nervous waiting for that email from Twitter.

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