FOAB Information

Saturday 23 May 2020

Dim Dom Cummings

The Government can twist and turn in all sorts of circles to try and justify their advisor Dominic Cummings driving 260 miles to self isolate along with his wife and 4 year old child in his parents house while everyone else was told, not requested, but instructed to stay at home, save the NHS and save lives.
The Government made it clear it wasn't up for debate, on 18 March the PM said: 'Everyone - everyone - must follow the advice to protect themselves and their families so stay at home for seven days if you think you have the symptoms' and 'Children should not be left with older grandparents'.
They doubled down on the advice four days later saying: 'People must remain in their primary residence. Leaving your home, the place you live, to stay at another home is not allowed' which pretty much covers everything Dominic Cummings didn't do.
As his wife had Covid-19 symptoms, he packed her and his 4 year old into the car and drove to the other end of England to stay with his parents which contravenes everything the Government said a week before.
The Government say that the Police never spoke to Cummings or his family in Durham about his travels although the Police spokesman have said: 'On Tuesday, March 31, our officers were made aware of reports that an individual had traveled from London to Durham and was present at an address in the city. Officers made contact with the owners of that address who confirmed that the individual in question was present and was self-isolating in part of the house. In line with national policing guidance, officers explained to the family the arrangements around self-isolation guidelines and reiterated the appropriate advice around essential travel'.
We can expect Boris Johnson to now self-isolate for the next four years in case anyone asks him an awkward question but in every conceivable way Dominic Cummings broke the lock-down rules and it is not only outrageous for the Government to try and defend him but just when you think they can’t sink any lower in their mismanagement of the crisis, they manage it yet again.

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