FOAB Information

Saturday 30 May 2020

Not Following The Science

The Government have continually told us that they are 'following the science' but the scientists have finally caught on that when the inevitable inquiry comes along regarding just how awful the Government has been and why we have the second highest death toll in the World, it is them who will get the blame so they have come out to explain that whatever science advice it is they are following, it isn't theirs.
Members of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) which advises the government, have spent the last few days explaining that their advice was that the reproduction rate of the virus is still only just below one and the infection rate still too high so any easing of the lock-down measures is happening too early and could lead to a rise in infections and should wait until the NHS test and trace system is up and running properly.
The number of infections is currently sitting stubbornly at approximately 8,000 new infections every day in England and John Edmunds, a member of Sage, has been at pains to mention that the easing of measures to allow the reopening of schools and more shops 'was a political decision'.
Too late locking down, causing thousands to needlessly die and now too early opening up, risking thousands more to needlessly die.

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