FOAB Information

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Rehabilitation Of Bush, But Not Blair

Even four Prime Ministers after he left office, Tony Blair is still derided and abused wherever he goes in the UK for what he did in 2001 but it seems like George W Bush never really suffered the brickbats that Tony did, not in America anyway.
On my blog here i mused why, at the Invictus Games in America, the disabled soldiers were applauding him on stage when it was a result of his lies that they were missing limbs and therefore eligible to take part in the Invictus Games in the first place. 
American lefties seem to have short memories and are fawning over Bush for putting out a video calling for compassion and national unity during the Coronavirus crisis, declaring: 'We are not partisan combatants. We are human beings' which would sound better if he wasn't the guy who wasn't quite so concerned about the human beings in Iraq when he flat out lied about the weapons of mass destruction to bomb them into little biddy pieces.
Then there was Afghanistan and he didn't seem that concerned as he botched the response to Hurricane Katrina but suddenly, to some, with the awful Trump in office, suddenly Bush doesn’t seem quite so bad.
So they both are renown liars but whereas Bush didn't aim any misspelled tweets at people he didn’t like, Trump hasn't started any wars but both are as awful as each other in their own ways, just that Bush killed as many as a million foreigners in fabricated wars, Trump seems quite happy to see his own kind die as long as he can get re-elected, 71,000 and counting at present.
Maybe the Americans are just more forgiving of their warmongering leaders than us British but i hope Blair looks at Bush's rehabilitation and wonders why the former President is forgiven while he is still treated as something nasty the British people trod in and then he must go, oh yeah, the wars i lied about, that will be it.

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