FOAB Information

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Deng Xiaoping

I achieved much in my time as leader but i am most famous for the Tiannaman Square protests.
Even the most biased westerner could see that the students attacked a defenseless tank regiment armed with bicycles and many of these bicycles were fitted with powerful compaction tyres and vicious wicker baskets capable of scratching the paint work of the tank beyond repair.
In one particularly violent incident an entire peace-loving convoy of Tanks were surrounded by at least one student carrying a bag and wearing a loud and dangerous shirt so what else could we do but declare martial law and kill 300 of them, we had no choice.
We had international support for our actions with Cuba, Czechoslovakia and East Germany supported the Chinese government in denouncing the protests
As the Communist party's Secretary-general i presided over the Anti-Rightist Campaign launched by Mao which persecuted anyone who favoured Capitalism over Communism or held right wing views and they were easy to spot, you just followed the trail of dribble they left behind and i introduced the family planning policy to cope with China's overpopulation crisis, allowing each couple to only have two children and began the economic reconstruction which would make China into an economic superpower.
My master stroke was to send my advisors to all parts of the World and to come back with ideas of what made these countries great and using their ideas, began opening up China to the rest of the World and downgraded China from a Communist run country to a Market Socialist one, taking the idea from Vladimir Lenin's idea for the Soviet Union before that lunatic Stalin took over.
I made Mao's Great Leap Forward look like a tip toe, it was i and the guys in front of the tanks in Tiannaman Square who did the leaping, me forward, them more sideways.

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