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Saturday 9 May 2020

Special Guest Blogger: King Charles I

I was born to a Scottish King in Fife but when Elizabeth died childless and the English throne was up for grabs it was my dad James who grabbed it and i also nicked off pretty sharpish to England with him and never returned to Scotland again, too damn cold and i never understood a word they said.
My downfall began when i married a Roman Catholic and quarreled with the Parliament of England who sought to curb my belief in the divine right of Kings which pretty much gave me the right to do what the hell i wanted so i dismissed the lot of them and imprisoned a few for good measure.
I did relent and recall Parliament a year later but they started up saying i couldn't imprison them without trial, couldn't levy my own taxes or impose martial law on civilians and couldn't quarter troops in their homes so i dismissed them all again, this time for eleven years.
My problem was without the Government to collect taxes, my funds were getting rather low so i began 'selling' Knighthoods to everyone who earned £40 or more and fined anyone who earned above that but didn't pay for a Knighthood.
That got the back up of pretty much everyone, the rich hated me for screwing them over for money, the Government hated me for sacking them, all and the plebs hated me for marrying a Catholic and not being Protestant enough.
Left without choice, i reopened Parliament again and the first thing they did was pass a law to make it illegal for me to shut Parliament and when i tried to arrest five of them for being dicks, they raised a damned army against me called The Roundheads so i got my own army, gave them the cool name The Cavaliers but then they got Cromwell's New Model Army involved and trumped me in the cool name and being better at war stakes and i was captured, accused of high treason and my head forcibly removed from my body.
That backfired spectacularly as what came next was the Commonwealth of England ruled by Lord Protector and religious fruitcake Olly Cromwell who disbanded Parliament and which was only reinstated 11 non-Christmas's later after he died and the monarchy restored to my son Charles II so all a bit pointless really, they should have just let me get on with it.

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